Ustaz Hanafi
Ustaz Hanafi is an active preacher and a motivator, and he had stage 4 lymphoma (a type of cancer). He was diagnosed with the disease on January 31, 2017. The first thing he said when the doctor informed him he had cancer was “Alhamdulillah,” a form of praise to Allah. He said, “Thank you Allah. Among many of your servants, you chose me to receive such a big gift.” He said he accepted it with an open heart.
As a motivator, he shows how he really practices what he preaches, which is to think positively even when you face life-threatening experiences. After he had surgery to remove the cancer, he underwent chemotherapy. The impact of the chemotherapy made his physical strength weaker, but he remained strong. His family and the people around him lifted his spirit and made him strive harder in his battle with cancer. Along his journey towards curing, he practices a healthy lifestyle, eats mostly healthy and suitable foods for cancer patients, and also consumes supplements.
Since then, he has never stopped giving advice to all the cancer patients he has seen. He often told them to “Never Give Up” and to always remember that Allah is always with them.